Accounts Receivable 應收帳款
The creditor’s rights of accounts receivable obtained from the sale of products or services will be sold to Hotai Finance, and the accounts receivable will be cashed in beforehand. 將出售產品或服務所得之應收帳款債權轉讓予和潤,提前將應收帳款變現。
Improve the Utilization Efficiency of the Capital 提升資金運用效能
Reduce circulation issues caused by the time difference between collection and payment, and improve flexibility of capital utilization. 減少因收付款時間差所造成的周轉問題,讓資金運用更靈活。
Reduce Accounting Management Costs 減輕帳務管理成本
Hotai Finance will be responsible for follow-up payments with the buyer, and the enterprise can save manpower and time costs from accounting management. 與買方的後續請款將由和潤負責,企業可省去帳務管理所花費的人力及時間成本。
Improve Market Competitiveness 提升市場競爭力
Cash in the accounts in advance to ensure there are funds to continue receiving orders and increasing competitive advantage. 提前將帳款變現,保障企業擁有資金持續接單,增加競爭優勢。

※ 本公司保留案件核准與否及核准條件之權利。 ※ The company reserves the right for approval of the cases and conditions.

Successful Cases 成功案例分享
CEO Wang of a technology company offering digital courses. 提供數位課程的科技公司
CEO Wang’s company mainly focuses on online language learning and information software services. Recently, due to the relocation of the headquarters, he has invested a lot of money into purchasing real estate. He has also signed contracts with more than 70 companies in a short period of time owing to government assisting employees to sharpen the skills of foreign languages during the COVID-19 epidemic. However, the draw request time is 6 months, and banks usually cannot provide the capital immediately.
Therefore, Hotai Finance played a key role and acted as the company’s financial advisor. In addition to solving the issue of capital circulation through accounts receivable services, Hotai Finance also suggested CEO Wang use real estate as the subject matter to finance, and carry out the decoration and equipment of the new office to take the company to the next level.

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請點選您希望的聯絡方式,將有您的專屬金融顧問,為您提供資金規劃。 Please click on the contact method you prefer and you will have an exclusive financial consultant to provide you with financial planning.


Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命

Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理

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