Stakeholder Communication Stakeholder Communication

HFC Value Chain HFC Value Chain

HFC provides installment sales and leasing services for various equipment and vehicles. At the beginning of consultations, we evaluates customer needs, design exclusive solutions for them, and provide relevant services in the contract. In the process of our service, it will have a significant impact on the value chain. Combined with the analysis of major sustainability themes, HFC evaluates the impact of major sustainability themes on stakeholders in the value chain and responds to their concerns. The company reported the communication with stakeholders to the board of directors on December 21, 2022.HFC provides installment sales and leasing services for various equipment and vehicles. At the beginning of consultations, we evaluates customer needs, design exclusive solutions for them, and provide relevant services in the contract. In the process of our service, it will have a significant impact on the value chain. Combined with the analysis of major sustainability themes, HFC evaluates the impact of major sustainability themes on stakeholders in the value chain and responds to their concerns. The company reported the communication with stakeholders to the board of directors on December 21, 2022.


Material Sustainability TopicsValue Chain
HFCFunding Provider (Note)
Individual/Corporate customers
Non-profit groups
GEthical Management
SCustomer Rights and Services

SPersonal Data Protection

STalent development and benefits


SSocial Participation


V: Direct impact
O: Indirect impact
Note: Includes banks and shareholders

Stakeholder Concerns and Communication Channels Stakeholder Concerns and Communication Channels

Major issue of concern
Communication channels and frequency
Communication results in 2022
Individual Customers
• Workplace safety and health
• Personal data protection
• Irregular official website information disclosure
• Irregular customer service hotline
• Irregular customer compliant hotline
• Irregular LINE mobile customer service
Up to 42% of customers made an average of 14,943 inquiries per month through the official Line account, 22% of which were solved through automatic direction to FAQs.

In 2022, there were a total of 179,316 inquiries by phone, and the average processing time for each call was 4.1 minutes; compared with 4.3 minutes/call in 2021, and the processing efficiency has improved.
Corporate Customers
• Customer rights and services
• Operation performance
• Personal data protection
• Innovative services
• Irregular official website information disclosure
• Irregular customer service hotline
• Irregular customer compliant hotline
• Irregular LINE mobile customer service
• Operation performance
• Risk management
• Ethical management
• Supplier management
• Annual shareholders' meeting
• Irregular investor conferences
• Announce material information from time to time in accordance with the regulations of the competent authorities
• Regular publication of financial statements/annual reports/ESG reports
• Irregular official website information disclosure
• Report on operations and dividend policy to shareholders at shareholders' meetings
• Disclose operation status at quarterly investor conferences
• Immediately disclose important financial and business information about the Company
• Ethical management
• Supplier management
• Personal data protection
• Supplier classification mechanism
• Signing of supplier commitments
• Establish a supplier classification mechanism
• All suppliers signed a supplier commitment for all engineering projects in accordance with the "Supplier Management Policy"
• Suppliers’ data is kept on file
• Talent development and benefits
• Personal data protection
• Operation performance
• Announcement of benefits and employee education and training on job banks and the internal website
• Job seekers are required to sign a personal data protection consent form.
• Employee grievance mailbox available on the intranet.
• Each employee is asked to fill out a satisfaction survey before the end of each year.
• Regular Education and Training
• The average amount of benefits per person exceeded NT$55,400.
• Job seekers are required to sign a personal data protection consent form; each employee should sign the employee regulation statement on the first day of work.
• Employee satisfaction response rate was 100%; the average was 4.42 points out of five; 91.3% of them were satisfied or extremely satisfied with the Company as a whole.
• Up to 1,075 employees took ESG education and training courses for a total of 537.5 hours.
Government agencies and competent authorities
• Innovative services
• Irregular legal audits
• Irregular promotional education meetings with competent authorities
• All directors comply with the "Directions for the Implementation of Continuing Education for Directors and Supervisors of TWSE Listed and TPEx Listed Companies"
• Conduct irregular promotional education for employees to implement the philosophy of ethical management and legal compliance in everyone’s daily work. In 2022, we offered them a total of six courses on ethical management, with a total of 3,225 hours of training.
• Thoroughly implement risk management and control, strengthen legal compliance and compliance capabilities
• Operation performance
• Risk management
• Innovative services
• Announcement of material information in accordance with the regulations of competent authorities
• Regular release of financial reports/annual reports/ESG Report
• Irregular official website information disclosure
• Received “Long-term twAA-” rating from Taiwan Ratings for 16 consecutive years
• Received "BBB" credit rating for long-term issues from Standard & Poor's  for 2 consecutive years
• Publish quarterly financial statements
Non-profit Organizations
• Social engagement
• Ethical management
• Festival Gift Purchasing
• Volunteer activities
• Scooter road safety awareness raising
• Purchased the gift boxes from sheltered workshops for employees on the Dragon Boat Festival, amounting to NT$970,000.
• Participated in the Food Bank program for three consecutive years. Between 2020 and 2022, a total of nearly 500 volunteers donated NT$2.2 million, benefiting 2,600 households.
• Worked with the Taipei City Motor Vehicles Office to jointly implement the Scooter License Exam Training Program and fully subsidize the scooter training fees for people of low- and middle-income households, sponsored the scooter road safety promotion video (with over 250,000 views), and interviewed industry-government-academia personnel and published 120,000 copies of a magazine to enhance the Taiwanese citizens’ road safety awareness, thereby leading to a nearly 20% increase in the number of people enrolling in scooter training classes in July-August 2022 compared to the prior year.
• The number of volunteers reached 2,118 for a total of 8,706 hours.

Stakeholder Communication Stakeholder Communication

Customer service hotline
Customer service email
Individual/corporate customers
(02) 2276-1511
(02) 2502-4567 #16301
(02) 2502-4567 #16101
(02) 2502-4567 #11100
Government agencies and competent authorities
(02) 2502-4567 #16301
(02) 2502-4567 #16200
Non-profit organizations
(02) 2502-4567 #16305
Whistleblower reporting mailbox


Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命

Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理

台北當鋪推薦 台北小額借貸 北投當鋪 台北免留車 台北支票貼現 台北市汽車借款 台北借貸 台北合法當鋪 台北24小時當鋪 台北借錢網