企業客戶服務 Enterprise Customer Service

The driving force of enterprise development.
Customized financial planning and flexible use of funds.

資金缺口 Funding Gap

Business Expansion and Business Investment 企業擴展事業投資

Procurement of expensive equipment. 高昂設備採購

Short-term issue of time difference between collection and payment. 收付款時間差短期周轉
Solution 解決方案
Customized financing solutions such as raw materials financing 原物料分期付款等客製化融資方案
Leasing Services and Installments 租賃業務及分期付款
Accounts Receivable Services 應收帳款業務

企業客戶常見問題 FAQ

Leasing companies and banks are in a kind of competitive and complementary existence. Even though the interest rates for bank loans are relatively low, their strict review conditions often require provision of high-value collateral as guarantee, which is easily subject to limit restrictions. In comparison, in addition to the collateral, specialists from leasing companies will also evaluate development potential and repayment conditions of enterprises, and provide greater flexibility for loans. 租賃公司與銀行是一種競爭且互補的存在,雖銀行貸款利率較低,但因審核條件較為嚴謹,往往需要提供高價值擔保品進行擔保,容易受額度限制;相較之下租賃公司除了擔保品之外,還會由專人評估企業的未來發展與還款條件,給予更大的放款彈性。
The services provided by leasing companies can be regarded as an additional financing channel, which can complement bank loans. Using bank loans to purchase real estate such as factories, and then using the equipment installment, leasing,financing, and other services which provided by leasing companies to purchase raw materials, equipment and other capital.It allows the utilization of capital to be more flexible. 租賃公司提供的服務,可視為一種額外的籌資管道,與銀行貸款並行可以發揮相輔相成的效果。例如透過銀行貸款,購置廠房等不動產;再透過租賃公司的設備分期付款、租賃、融資等服務去購買原物料、設備等資本,讓資金運用更有彈性。
Yes, as long as the equipment is procured or the funds are used for business purposes. Please click “Consult Now” or “Contact Us” above to leave your contact information, and someone will ba at your service. 可以,只要設備買賣或資金用途作為營業使用即可。歡迎點選上方的「立即諮詢」或是「聯絡我們」留下您的聯絡資訊,將有專人為您服務。
In addition to the collateral value, Hotai Finance will also take the development potential and overall capability of the enterprise as evaluation criteria, and provide you with the most appropriate and flexible financing plan according to the operating conditions and needs. 除了擔保品外,和潤也會將企業的發展淺能及整體實力列為評估要點,並根據經營狀況與需求,為您提供最適切、最彈性的融資規劃。

立即免費諮詢 Free Consultation Now

請點選您希望的聯絡方式,將有您的專屬顧問,為您提供資金規劃。 Please click on the contact method you prefer and you will have an exclusive consultant to provide you with financial planning.


Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命

Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理

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