行動繳款 Mobile Payments

和潤秉持創造優質服務予客戶精神,提供多樣化行動繳款服務,給您最完整繳費資訊。 現在起,手機就是你的行動繳款單。再也不必小心翼翼地收藏紙本繳款單,漫長煎熬地等待寄送,甚至不必擔心繳款單遺失或毀損!不僅如此,和潤也邀請您,加入我們環保愛地球的行列,讓我們一起減少紙張的使用,為地球的環境盡一份心力!
※ 貼心提醒:不論您使用什麼繳費方式,都要記得留下繳費證明,以備不時之需喔!
Hotai Finance adheres to the spirit of providing high-quality services for its customers, offering diversified mobile payment services and gives you complete payment information. Now, your cellphone is your mobile payment slip. Never would you meticulously store paper payment slips, and wait for hard copy of payment slips, or even worry about losing or damaging these slips! Not only that, we also invites you to be environmentally friendly with us! Reduce the use of paper, protect the planet , and do our best for the environment! ※ A kind reminder: no matter what payment method you use, remember to keep the payment confirmation just in case!

行動繳款單服務 Mobile Payment Services

APP EasyPay APP 和潤輕鬆付
Download the APP EasyPay from the APP Store or Google Play. After registering and logging in, you can find your payment information at any time! we will notify you of payments through the APP 4 days and 1 day before the payment date. 至 APP Store 或 Google Play 下載 APP 和潤輕鬆付,註冊登入後,即可隨時查找繳費資訊!和潤將會在每期繳款日 4 天前與 1 天前以 APP 推播繳款通知。

LINE Business Connect LINE 和潤企業客戶服務
Add the LINE Business Connect, Hotai Finance Corporation Customer Service, click the payment barcode, and enter the relevant information to view the payment information. 加入 LINE 好友和潤企業客戶服務,點擊繳費條碼,輸入相關資料後,即可查看繳費資訊。
LINE Business Connect 和潤企業客戶服務

Email Email
When applying for Hotai Finance installment services, fill in your e-mail on the application form and select e-mail payments. Hotai Finance will send the payment information to you by e-mail 3 days before each installment payment. 申請和潤分期服務時,申請書上填寫 Email,並勾選 Email 繳款,每期繳款日前 3 天和潤即會以 Email 發送繳款資訊給您。
SMS 簡訊
When applying for Hotai Finance installment services, fill in your mobile phone number on the application form and check SMS payment. Hotai Finance will send the payment information to you by SMS 3 days before each installment payment. 申請和潤分期服務時,申請書上填寫手機號碼,並勾選簡訊繳款,每期繳款日前 3 天和潤即會以簡訊發送繳款資訊給您。

繳款通路 Payment Channels

Bank Transfer Code 銀行轉帳代碼
Go to ATMs or online banks, enter the transfer code ,and submit the payments anywhere, anytime! 可至 ATM 與網路銀行,輸入轉帳代碼後進行繳費,不受時間與空間的限制,隨時隨地、時時刻刻都可以繳費。
Post Office Account 郵局收款帳號
Fill out the “Giro Deposit Slip” at post office, hand it to service staff, and finish the payment. 至郵局填寫「劃撥存款單」,交給郵局櫃檯人員後,即可繳費。
Convenient Store Payment Barcode 超商繳款條碼
Scan barcode at convenience store,paying the installment immediately and simply. 持手機,至超商櫃檯刷取條碼,繳費煩惱即刻解決。

完整繳費資訊 Complete Payment Information

Clearly display installment items, number of installments, monthly payment and deadlines. Understand every information you need! 清楚顯示分期品項、期數、應繳金額與截止日,掌握每個重要資訊!

Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命

Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理

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