和潤為持續提升同仁滿意度,用心經營幸福職場環境,除了提供具市場競爭力的薪資,優於業界平均年薪15個月以上,並可參加員工持股信託,另亦規劃多元化的獎勵金,每年更依景氣環境、工作績效訂定不同的調薪幅度,專屬的福委會提供優渥的福利金和福利品,專業的教育訓練團隊規劃完善的培訓制度。 To persistently pursue higher employee satisfaction and cultivate a happy workplace environment, Hotai Finance not only offers market-competitive salaries that are equivalent to more than 15 months of the industry’s average annual salary, but also provides opportunities for participation in Employee Stock Ownership Trust (ESOT) Program, along with diversified incentives, including various salary adjustments set according to economic environment and workplace performance each year, generous welfare benefits and welfare products provided by as the exclusive welfare committee, and comprehensive training programs established by the professional talent development team.
和潤提供多元福利,打造員工幸福職場 Hotai Finance provides various benefits to create a happy workplace for its employees.

- Chinese New Year Gift Money
- Dragon Boat Festival Gift Money
- Mid-autumn Festival Gift Money
- Birthday Gift Money
- Scholarship Gift Money
- 春節禮金
- 端午禮金
- 中秋禮金
- 生日禮金
- 獎助學金

- Hospitalization Subsidies and Consolation for Employees and Their Dependents
- Travel Grants and Incentives
- Abundant Club Activities
- Regular Disinfection and Waxing of Workplace Environment
- Convenient Cooking and Water-drinking Equipment
- Regular Health Checks
- 員工及眷屬住院補助及慰問金
- 旅遊補助、旅遊獎勵金
- 豐富社團活動
- 環境定期消毒及打蠟
- 便利炊具及飲水設備
- 定期健康檢查

- Menstrual Leave, Maternity Leave, Maternity Checkup Leave, Parental Leave for Female Employees
- Paternity Leave and Parental Leave for Male Employees
- Clean and Bright Nursing Rooms
- Numerous Partner Baby Care Centers
- Discounts at Partner Stores
- Long service leave
- Birthday leave
- 女性員工生理假、產假、 產檢假、育嬰假
- 男性員工陪產假、育嬰假
- 乾淨明亮哺乳室
- 多家特約托嬰中心
- 特約商店折扣
- 久任福利假
- 生日假

- Exemplary Employee Rewards
- Language Training Grants
- Foreign Language Test Score Rewards
- Car Purchase Discounts
- Satisfaction Surveys
- 模範員工獎勵
- 語言進修補助
- 外語檢定成績獎勵
- 購車優惠
- 滿意度調查
- Labor and Health Insurance, Pension Provision
- Group Term Life and Casualty Insurance
- Dependents are included as application subjects of the welfare committee’s hospitalization subsidy and consolation money.
- 勞健保及退休金提撥
- 團體定期壽險及意外險
- 眷屬納入福委會住院補助、慰問金申請對象
- Legal requirements state that employees should conduct regular employee health checks every year, which covers general and special health checks.
- We hire a professional health examination team to provide health consultation.
- 優於法規定每年定期辦理員工健康檢查,涵蓋一般及特殊健康檢查等項目
- 聘請專業健檢團隊提供健康諮詢
- The Employee Welfare Committee provides cash gifts for Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid Autumn Festival, birthday cash gifts, library subsidies, travel subsidies, and maternity and medical subsidies.
- Cooperate with shopping websites to provide exclusive discount prices, allowing the company to have a comprehensive welfare system.
- 職工福利委員會提供三節禮金及禮品、生日禮金、圖書補助金、旅遊補助、生育及傷病補助…等
- 與購物網站合作提供獨家優惠價格,一應俱全的福利制度
- We arrange online learning and physical training courses according to the nature of employees’ jobs.
- We also offers big bonuses that reward employees for learning foreign languages.
- Employees can use the job rotation mechanism and are encouraged to rotate according to their career plans and develop important talent with all-round capabilities.
- 依工作性質安排線上學習和實體訓練課程
- 獎勵語言學習的高額獎金
- 藉由職務輪調機制,鼓勵同仁依生涯規劃輪調,培養具全方位能力的重要人才
- The Company encourages and subsidizes colleagues to set up various clubs.
- 公司鼓勵並補助同仁成立各式社團