Internal Auditing Internal Auditing

Internal Auditing Internal Auditing

Internal Auditing organizationInternal Auditing organization

The Internal Auditing of our company reports to the Board of Directors. It is an independent, full-time auditing entity with superb independence, objectivity, fairness, and professional attention to carry out regular and irregular audits and uphold the spirit of our corporate governance:The Internal Auditing of our company reports to the Board of Directors. It is an independent, full-time auditing entity with superb independence, objectivity, fairness, and professional attention to carry out regular and irregular audits and uphold the spirit of our corporate governance:

1. It assists board directors and managers to examine and audit the shortcomings of our “internal control system”, to measure the results and efficiency of our operations, and to timely offer suggestions for improvement. The office seeks to ensure that our internal control system may continue to remain effective and to offer information upon which our internal control system may be reviewed and improved.1. It assists board directors and managers to examine and audit the shortcomings of our “internal control system”, to measure the results and efficiency of our operations, and to timely offer suggestions for improvement. The office seeks to ensure that our internal control system may continue to remain effective and to offer information upon which our internal control system may be reviewed and improved.

2. It conducts comprehensive and in-depth auditing and analysis of all operational activities to ensure that our business operations have complied with the law and our corporate charter. When deficiencies have been uncovered in the audit, the facts are revealed in the audit report. Deficiencies are monitored until improvements have been achieved and operational results have been delivered.2. It conducts comprehensive and in-depth auditing and analysis of all operational activities to ensure that our business operations have complied with the law and our corporate charter. When deficiencies have been uncovered in the audit, the facts are revealed in the audit report. Deficiencies are monitored until improvements have been achieved and operational results have been delivered.

Internal Auditing organizationInternal Auditing organization

Responsibilities of Internal AuditingResponsibilities of Internal Auditing

1. Based on risk appraisal and laws and regulations, the office draws up an annual audit plan, which, upon the approval of the Board, becomes the basis of auditing activities. The audit report, after being submitted and reviewed, is to be submitted to the Audit Committee by the end of the next month after the completion of the audited item.1. Based on risk appraisal and laws and regulations, the office draws up an annual audit plan, which, upon the approval of the Board, becomes the basis of auditing activities. The audit report, after being submitted and reviewed, is to be submitted to the Audit Committee by the end of the next month after the completion of the audited item.

2. Special audit projects that the Board and Chairman of the Board have requested.2. Special audit projects that the Board and Chairman of the Board have requested.

3. Report regularly to independent directors and the Audit Committee about audit activities and report to the Board.3. Report regularly to independent directors and the Audit Committee about audit activities and report to the Board.

4. Establish, modify, and execute detailed audit practice and rules.4. Establish, modify, and execute detailed audit practice and rules.

5. Plan, execute, review, improve, follow up on, and report online the plan of self-evaluation.5. Plan, execute, review, improve, follow up on, and report online the plan of self-evaluation.

6. In compliance with the rules of governing authority agencies, the office should complete the online reporting of the following items.:6. In compliance with the rules of governing authority agencies, the office should complete the online reporting of the following items.:

Reporting deadline
Method of reporting
Contents to be reported
By the end of January of each year
Via the Internet system
Roster of internal auditing personnel
By the end of January of each year
Via the Internet system
Reporting of hours of completed continuing education on internal auditing
By the end of February of each year
Via the Internet system
Report on the execution of audit plan of the previous fiscal yea
By the end of March of each year
Via the Internet system
Declaration of the internal control system
By the end of May of each year
Via the Internet system
Report on the improvement on the deficient internal controls and unusual items identified during the audit of the previous fiscal year
By the end of December of each year
Via the Internet system
Audit plan of the next fiscal year

Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命

Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理

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