教育訓練 Employee Training

本公司秉持著『顧客為先、專業為本』的經營理念,對於人才的培育一直不餘遺力。結合公司願景提供多元化的學習管道及訓練資源,並注重員工永續全方位學習發展,提高員工工作效率、競爭力和成就感,達到育才、留才及組織共榮的目標,進而增強企業競爭力,期許同仁能夠樂在工作,與公司一同成長。 The Company adheres to the “customer first, profession based” business philosophy as we have worked tirelessly to cultivate talents. The Company provides a variety of learning channels and training resources in combination with the Company’s vision, and pays attention to the sustainable and all-round learning and development of its employees, improves employee work efficiency, competitiveness, and sense of achievement to achieve the goal of talent cultivation, retainment, and common prosperity within the organization. This further enhances the Company’s competitiveness as we hope that our colleagues can work happily, and grow together with the company.

和潤提供多元福利,打造員工幸福職場 Hotai Finance provides various benefits to create a happy workplace for its employees.

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Professional General Training 新人通識訓練
The Company has planned a series of online courses (administrative history, corporate culture, introduction of products) for new employees for “common basic employee training courses” so that the new employees can quickly understand and integrate themselves into the Company. The courses will shorten the time needed for adaptation and learning, and help new employees to have a comprehensive understanding of the organization and their own duties. 規劃一系列新進同仁「共通性基礎教育訓練課程」線上課程(組織沿革、企業文化、產品介紹、等),使新進同仁可以快速認識且融入公司,縮短適應及學習的時間,進而協助新人對組織以及自身職務有完整的認識。

Professional General Training 專業通識訓練
The Company will cultivate professional competences according to the needs of different job positions, and provide internal and external training courses in line with professional fields such as: sales personnel, telemarketing personnel, customer service personnel, and audit personnel. The employees sit through lively, interactive, and group-based classes that enhance their professional competences and work efficiency. 根據不同工作職務之需求培養專業職能,提供符合專業領域之內外訓實體課程,例如:業務人員、電銷人員、客服人員、徵審人員等。透過活潑生動、具互動性及共同研討的分組上課方式,強化同仁專業能力及工作效率。

Core Competence Training 核心職能訓練
In addition to professional courses, general courses are designed to cultivate soft abilities as well as professional competences. Workplace recharging courses help employees enhance their core competitiveness in the workplace, and allows them to have good performances and interpersonal relationships.
To improve the quality of the Company’s personnel and cultivate all-round competences, the Company has a comprehensive career rotation and development system. The rotation mechanism helps colleagues have a deeper understanding of the Company’s operations, cultivate diversified skills, and have career goals of becoming “universal talents”, to then enhance self-competitiveness.
It is a necessary and long-term task for companies to improve the professional qualities of their personnel. If a company can cultivate a group of enthusiastic, professional, and educational lecturers to serve the company, that would be ideal. The Company has been actively investing in cultivating supervisors and colleagues towards becoming internal seed lecturers, inspiring everyone in the Company to continue their growth in their professional fields. This allows them to carry out knowledge management more effectively, and they will shape the Company’s learning culture as they become mentors for passing on knowledge and experience.

On-the-job Training (OJT) 在職工作訓練
The department supervisors and senior employees guide the department colleagues and new colleagues to conduct on-the-job training for daily tasks, necessary knowledge, and skills, improving work efficiency through discussions with each other. They find shortcomings through interactive learning, and work together to find ways to improve their work competencies. 由部門主管及資深員工指導部門同仁和新進同仁們,透過互相研討方式對日常工作、必要知識及技能、提升工作效率、等進行在職教育。在互動學習中發現不足之處,共同找出改善方式以提升同仁的工作能力。

Management Competence 管理職能
A series of related courses are designed for management competencies such as leadership, subordinate training, organizational planning, project management, and inspiring employees. The Company also has a two-year Uncut Jade Program and Leadership Class business supervisors to improve their teaching capacity. In addition, the Company attaches great importance to acquiring new knowledge, and provides books and magazines every month while holding regular study groups as cross-department seminars allowing employees to learn from each other and share knowledge with one another. The annual supervisor book reading event isn’t just about sharing professional books and themed lectures, also provides soft and diverse courses such as Team Building to increase the interaction amongst supervisors, and cultivate a healthy body and mind. As they use different learning aspects, each supervisor is expected to lead their team to exhibit excellent performances as Hotai Finance attaches great importance to the cultivation of its supervisors. 針對領導統御、部屬培訓、組織規劃、專案管理、激勵員工等管理職能,設計一系列相關課程,像是針對業務主管舉行璞玉班兩年計畫、幹訓班計劃,期以提升教練力。此外,公司十分重視學習新知,每月提供書籍雜誌並定時舉辦讀書會,藉由跨部門研討達到相互學習、知識分享之效。每年舉辦的主管讀書盛會,除了專業書籍分享、主題講座,亦提供軟性多元課程,例如:Team Buliding等,增加主管之間互動與培養健全的身心靈,藉由不同學習面向期望每位主管展現出團隊高績效,可見和潤對主管培育的重視。

Management Competence
The Company’s online learning platform provides all of the required courses every quarter, and also provides a variety of elective courses so that colleagues can choose courses according to their own learning needs, and colleagues can follow the report to improve their work skills. To make learning more convenient for colleagues, the Company has also launched an online learning APP so that colleagues can learn without time and space constraints, and greatly improve learning efficiency.
The Company regularly provides a variety of internal publications for colleagues: the “Hotai Finance YOU&ME” quarterly, the “Hotai Finance E-News Academy” e-monthly that allows colleagues to obtain new knowledge about the industry, group and company news, sharing of knowledge, information about clubs, employee-contributed columns, and travel information.

Foreign Language Studying Subsidy 外語進修補助
The Company has a sound foreign language learning system that encourages every employee to actively learn and improve their English and Japanese. The Company has a comprehensive foreign language learning subsidy that provides multiple learning channels and further learning subsidies to cope with developments of the global village and internationalization, and cultivate colleagues to become international talents. 健全的外語學習鼓勵每位員工積極學習英、日外語以提昇外語能力,公司設有完整的外語學習補助辦法,提供多元學習管道及進修補助,以因應地球村發展及國際化趨勢,培養同仁成為國際性人才。


Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命

Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理

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