繳款服務 Payment Methods

ATM轉帳繳款 ATM Transfer Payment

持具轉帳功能的金融卡至ATM選擇【轉帳】功能繳款。 Use a debit card with the transfer function at an ATM, and select the [Transfer] function to submit the payment.

Complete the payment. 完成繳款
Enter the payment amount. 輸入繳款金額
Enter the payment code.(Please refer to the ATM payment account number on the front of the payment slip.) 輸入繳款代號
Please enter the bank code “822” CTBC Bank. 請輸入銀行代號
822 中國信託

數位條碼超商繳款 Digital Barcode Convenience Store Payment

下載『和潤輕鬆付APP』輸入車主ID或加入『和潤企業官方LINE帳號』,選單輸入車號及ID,產生數位條碼後,至四大超商繳款。 Download the “Hotai Finance EasyPay APP” and enter the car owner’s ID or add the “Hotai Finance Official LINE Account”. Enter the license plate number and ID in the menu. After generating the digital barcode, submit the payment at any of the four major convenience store chains.

Official LINE Account 和潤企業客戶服務

四大超商數位機台繳款 Payment via Machines at the Four Major Convenience Store Chains

您可至7-11(ibon)、全家(Famiport)、萊爾富(Life-ET)、OK(OK.GO)自行列印繳款單至超商櫃台繳款。 You can go to 7-11 (ibon), Family Mart (Famiport), Hilife (Life-ET), or OK Mart (OK.GO) to print out the payment slips and submit the payments at the convenience store counters.

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自動扣帳服務 Automatic Billing and Payment Service

申請您常用銀行帳戶自動按月扣款繳納期付款。 Apply for automatic monthly billing and payment from your frequently used bank account.


Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命

Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理

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