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應徵流程 Application Process


Submit Resume 投遞履歷
  • Candidates need to prepare their resumes, complete academic experiences, and descriptions of their personal expertise that will help them stand out.
  • Please go to Job Banks to check out the latest vacancies, and submit your resume through those platforms.
  • 應徵者請準備好個人履歷,完整的學經歷及個人專長說明,將有助於讓你脫穎而出。
  • 請至人力銀行查看最新職缺,並透過平台投遞履歷。

Participate in Interviews 參與面試
  • The resumes of the applicants will be screened and evaluated by the Hotai Finance Human Resources Office.
  • Those who meet the requirements for the vacancies will have the opportunity to interview with the HR supervisor and relevant supervisors.
  • 應徵者的履歷資料將由和潤人力資源室篩選評估
  • 符合職缺條件者,將獲得面試機會,與人資主管及相關主管進行面談

Job Offer 錄取通知
  • Conduct candidate selection assessments.
  • Send job offer letters.
  • 進行應徵者選用評估
  • 寄發錄取通知書

Employee Orientation 人員報到
  • Prepare the required documents for orientation.
  • Arrive on time according to the date and time agreed by both parties.
  • 準備報到所需文件
  • 依雙方議定日期時間,準時報到

求職FAQ Job-seeking FAQ

Of course! We welcome graduates that are passionate about the finance industry, regardless if they have relevant backgrounds or not. There are opportunities for you to utilize your talents.


  1. You can submit your resume on the
  2. You can also submit your resume through any senior individual or supervisor that you personally know at Hotai Finance.
  1. 可透過
  2. 如有認識的和潤學長姐或主管,都可協助投遞。

Hotai Finance Corporation attaches great importance to talent cultivation and provid es employee training at different stages. For details, please refer to the “Employee Training” segment on this website.


  1. Highlight the relevance of your characteristics as an individual, and your experiences to the requirements of the vacancies.
  2. Be concise with your wording, and use bullet points.
  3. Give specific descriptions and examples, and try to list “highlights” from your own experiences.
  4. Present your achievements with data, the function of “numbers” is to provide “memory points” for HR.
  1. 強化個人特質、經歷與應徵職缺的關聯性
  2. 文字精簡、條列式重點。
  3. 具體描述舉出實例,盡量從自己的經歷中找出「亮點」。
  4. 用數據呈現成果,「數字」的功能是提供人資「記憶點」。

After receiving the resume, HR will conduct preliminary screening of the candidates. If there are any suitable candidates, HR will send out interview notifications within approximately 1 week.


  1. Understand your characteristics, experiences, motivation, and reasons for applying for these vacancies.
  2. Carefully research the requirements of the vacancies.
  3. Practice common interview questions, and formulate your best responses in advance.
  1. 瞭解自己的特質、經歷、應徵動機、與應徵職缺的原因。
  2. 仔細研究要職缺內容所需條件。
  3. 練習常見面談問題,事先想好自己的最佳回答。

Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命

Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理

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